There are many customs related with simple coins. This simple object used in the magic and traditions of almost all countries and peoples. There are two types of use of the coins: rituals and lucky charms.

How to make a talisman of coins
In various magical rituals used disposable currency. The talismans of the same serve to the humanity of the faith and the truth for many years in a row. This article focuses, precisely, to have a chat about talismans. What is, in essence, that word means?
A talisman is a magical object endowed with special courage and strength for the protection of its owner or of the opening of their capacity (improve the ability) . Brings good luck, preserves the health, attracts the positive emotions and protects them from the hardships, adversities, problems and the external influence of the magic.
The pet can be absolutely anything. But the coins are of the pets that have received the most wide spread, especially among persons with power of mobility.
To the attention of the coins loaded in special mobility, the people have resorted in ancient times. Especially urgent is the need of pets is manifested in the moments of complete impotence of man before the Universe. So same through a load, lucky charms to preserve the people from the evil of witchcraft and the influences on his personality from the outside.
What faith in the power of amulets and talismans are introduced to writing period, says nothing about the fact that in the world of today, this has become unnecessary. Evil lives in the modern world, and it is possible, by contrast, has only regained its vigor. How the currency works — the talisman and what it is intended?
The talisman is a little different from that of their "brothers" apotropaic and amulet. What is the difference? The task of apotropaic (amulet) to ward off all that enters the human energy field negative, protect external it influences. And the mascot of another task – to attract all the good things from the vast spaces of the universe – good luck, love, wealth, the location of the people and so on.
There are two variants of the arrival of the pet in the life of a person. The first is the random. Many people already a long time ago that said that the chance is very are normal and happen by the will of the Higher Mind. A certain currency can be converted in the communication, with some kind of emotional or physical of a case.
For a better understanding can be considered an example of as the mascot of coins reaches the man.
Here, for example, when does the boy's friendship with the girl. They were the closest friends. So one day he found in the street, a beautiful and ancient currency. And the girl gave it to her with the words: "That is your pet and the memory of our friendship, she will bring you good luck." If the child will believe in these words, a currency would actually be your pet.
The second solution is to make the pet by his own hand. Similar magical item will receive the great power and strength in the direction in which it waits for its owner. After these lines, many will rise to the reasonable question about how to make a talisman of the currency.
This process is not complicated, but near to it, should all the responsibility. Best of all, for the ideal pet for the period of the currency, or the fact of a precious metal. The trifles of the energy initially wins the power.
The currency you can carry it in the neck in the form of suspension (to do this you will need to drill into his hole) , or simply to keep in the bag of good fabric. Of course, before you expect something special, a currency that requires a "load".
It is necessary in the full moon put a talisman on the window-sill, preferably on the lapel or in the cloth of red color. Then, you must ask the Universe (god, the Higher Mind, of god) is what you need most in life. For example: "I Ask for this amulet has brought me luck, defended from his enemies, he attracted the love, the money and the nice people, blew and solution of problems.
Then, the coin should be wrapped in this tissue (napkin) , put it under your pillow and sleep on it until morning. And in the morning to hang around the neck or stored in the bag. And what is more important is the faith in their forces and those of the new amulet.